Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Hi Tech in 1919

Moscow Metro offers some surprises. “Kievskays” station boasts its picturesque mosaics glorifying the “eternal” friendship between Russia and Ukraine. These mosaics belong to 1957 when the station was build. Now look at a part of the mosaic “Struggle for the Soviet Power in the Ukraine in 1919”. You see a Red Army officer with a mobile phone, a notebook and a PDA.



  1. Anonymous2:41 am

    I'm not 100% convinced

  2. Anonymous1:05 pm

    What you call a mobile phone and PDA is a soup ladle he is trying to have a nip at. If you look carefully you can see those two are connected. The notebook is some kind of chest, maybe the soup is in there.

    I guess I'm just too narrow-minded to see the true nature of this painting ;)
